Sunday, November 28, 2010

Template For Leaving Tenancy Place


Sri Lanka is home to several religions. Not spontaneous revelations over past misdeeds, but with truth and religions rites related.

I go to a Buddhist temple, bare feet and I curled on the side of praying (or perhaps only technically narrators). As a Catholic I can not this be the Holy One, but man I feel a sacred place. If I lived in a country without churches, I would prefer to pray in temples of other religions or places that are not overtly religious? And if a believer of another religion, che so, un induista, sentisse parimenti il desiderio di pregare i suoi dei in una chiesa cattolica, che effetto mi farebbe?

Beppe ci racconta come la bestemmia esista solo in Italia, e Alberto si chiede quante preghiere ogni secondo vengano pronunciate sulla Terra. E verrà un secondo in cui, invece, la linea sarà libera? E un primo?

Un monaco dagli occhi truccati c’invita ad entrare a casa sua, il sacerdote che ci accompagna è suo amico e lui vuole fare la nostra conoscenza. Il sacerdote ci spiega come in ogni chiesa ci sia chi cerca più appassionatamente il dialogo e chi guarda ad esso come una deviazione dalla propria missione.

Scopriamo che “Dagoba” non è solo il nome of the planet where Luke has known the master Yoda, but also some from the spire prominent Buddhist domes, of which we saw a large fine example to Anuradhapura.

2 ° me contain some secret weapon that the UN sfodererà QDO aliens will try to submit in 2012 mdc Here there are those who represent the body of the Buddha (...) those who believe they represent the 5 elements.

- 5 elements?
- What I've written?
- Too cinema .. What would be the 5th?
- The
nothing - the nothing that is not
- How long do you meditate?
- Good question. Anything goes? One hour.
- Per day?
- the life

ignite a candle that a diligent hunter of tourists has to offer. Mine does not catch fire, then I try to appizzarlo that of Alberto. I get the results off. The hunter comes to our aid, and both turned back on, we hear a roar in the sky. Hoping that the dome is not divided (we are not ready for the invasion), we understand that we have given everything to Anuradhapura.


ps. In Badulla, before the commencement of classes, students meditate for an hour standing buildings and elegant in demeanor and in their school uniform "so Brit"

Photo by Alberto Minoia


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