The story of a bronze fountain in Piazza Castello spoke the Mayor of Reggio Calabria, Giuseppe Raffa con un comunicato stampa a cui ha fatto seguito la risposta del Comitato di cittadini firmatari dell'esposto alla Procura della Repubblica.
Il comunicato stampa del Sindaco di Reggio Calabria
Il sindaco Giuseppe Raffa intende rassicurare i cittadini sulla sorte del delfino bronzeo che ornava la fontana del giardino di Piazza Castello dopo le denunce di un Comitato costituitosi per esprimere preoccupazione riguardo la presunta scomparsa dell’opera a seguito dei lavori di restyling che hanno interessato l’area.
“Non vi è alcun alone di mistero intorno al delfino bronzeo – dichiara il Primo Cittadino -. Mi rivolgo ai membri del Comitato, nato a tutela of this ancient artifact, and in general to Reggio to ensure them that the fountain is safe in its town hall. For this purpose, in fact, I heard the architect Alberto Di Mare, then the Sole Director of Procedure and work for the redevelopment of the square. "
Ultimately, the design inherent in Piazza Castello, as approved, provided for the removal of the fountain itself but not its relocation in the same site, as well as the restoration and the next location to another location outside the scope of the interventions planned and executed .
"It 's no doubt - says Giuseppe Raffa - the artistic merit of the sculpture: it In fact, along with others that adorned the fountain called the 'Three Fountains', is what remains of the four taps of the 'Fountain of fish' or 'New Fountain' which was located on Via Marina unfortunately destroyed by the earthquake. Particularly in view of the important historical evidence that the dolphin is bronze - said the mayor - we act to it, as well as all assets of significant cultural and architectural interest, find a proper arrangement, perhaps, for example, joining the others and thus creating an additional fountain from scratch, or by placing the present location of the 'Tre Fontane', attivando così l’iter propedeutico al restauro dell’intera fontana”. ( Roto San Giorgio )
“Non vi è alcun alone di mistero intorno al delfino bronzeo – dichiara il Primo Cittadino -. Mi rivolgo ai membri del Comitato, nato a tutela of this ancient artifact, and in general to Reggio to ensure them that the fountain is safe in its town hall. For this purpose, in fact, I heard the architect Alberto Di Mare, then the Sole Director of Procedure and work for the redevelopment of the square. "
Ultimately, the design inherent in Piazza Castello, as approved, provided for the removal of the fountain itself but not its relocation in the same site, as well as the restoration and the next location to another location outside the scope of the interventions planned and executed .
"It 's no doubt - says Giuseppe Raffa - the artistic merit of the sculpture: it In fact, along with others that adorned the fountain called the 'Three Fountains', is what remains of the four taps of the 'Fountain of fish' or 'New Fountain' which was located on Via Marina unfortunately destroyed by the earthquake. Particularly in view of the important historical evidence that the dolphin is bronze - said the mayor - we act to it, as well as all assets of significant cultural and architectural interest, find a proper arrangement, perhaps, for example, joining the others and thus creating an additional fountain from scratch, or by placing the present location of the 'Tre Fontane', attivando così l’iter propedeutico al restauro dell’intera fontana”. ( Roto San Giorgio )
La risposta del Comitato dei Cittadini :
Apprendiamo con parziale soddisfazione che il Sindaco Raffa si è fatto carico di rassicurare i cittadini di Reggio Calabria sul destino della Fontana bronzea di Piazza Castello, prendendo un impegno sul suo futuro, ed auspichiamo di potere vedere presto la fontana nuovamente nel suo sito originale, o anche a fare compagnia alle “tre fontane” sorelle. Detto questo, non abbiamo motivo di non credere alle parole del Sindaco, o meglio its good faith, but it certainly is perplexing that after almost a month after the first official complaint to the newspaper article, 18 days / investigation of a famous newspaper of Reggio Calabria, only after the announcement of the submission of a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office someone will deign to answer the question posed by citizens.
If the answer was so simple, so why wait? What's more, after so long, it is acceptable that the mayor merely claim to have approached another person and to know by itself that the bronze is in the "town hall" (What is meant by the town hall, then, remains to be clarified)? In a month's time the mayor could, indeed should, go personally to see where the fountain and state "is in that place because I've seen it." Instead, in perfect "I tell you that I have said" typical of our politicians, here's yet another smoky statement: "... the fountain is safe in its town hall. For this purpose, in fact, I heard the architect Alberto Di Mare, then the Sole Director of Procedure and work for the redevelopment of the square. " So the mayor "knows" why "him ha detto l’architetto” e noi dovremmo sapere perché “ce lo ha detto il Sindaco che lo ha saputo dall’architetto”? Noi vogliamo crederci, ma se qualcuno pensa di potere continuare a gestire la cosa pubblica (compresi i monumenti) in questo modo si sbaglia di grosso. Siamo stati costretti a presentare un esposto alla Procura proprio a causa della scarsa (praticamente assente) trasparenza di questa amministrazione comunale; sarebbe bastato rispondere subito (e per conoscenza diretta della cosa) ai ripetuti appelli dei cittadini, per evitare questa querelle.
Tutti i giorni leggiamo sui giornali press releases of solidarity with this, attacks that, congratulations to the other, sent out by our directors and opposition leaders, including Mayor, and to respond to ordinary people on a subject of public interest requires that the Authority shall be referred to court. We are not professional politicians, we write the complaint and present it had a cost in terms of time and effort taken to other activities, we had fun doing it. Basically we have acted in place of those who are institutionally held (and this is well-paid) to supervise and administer the common good of the City. It is important that our politicians (all) becomes now realize that the measure is full and we are tired of proclamations of false openings, the work started and never completed, the various mysteries (including fountains.) It is good that people start to ask "before" to act in certain fields, and do not find them with a fait accompli. Who decided to remove the fountain from the square? Why do not eliminate the Castle perhaps to make room, then? And why has not provided the same allocation of the new bronze? That's why satisfaction is partial. We would also like that by a specific date you decide what to do, along with the citizens. And above all we want more respect. Firm however understood that the complaint will go ahead as it should be natural.
To the Citizens
Pasqualino Placanica
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