Natale... Gesù, il Figlio di Dio si è incarnato per insegnarci l'amore gratuito. We men find it hard to understand the gratuity of love. We often think of having to win the love of others, including that of our loved ones. But God has taught us that there is a love that surpasses that of humans, demolishes the boundaries and breaks, creating extraordinary miracles
. The love of God smacks of miracle. He knows our hearts more than our own spirit knows the pitfalls, the most hidden, yet loves us. It is not because we are perfect. He loves us as we are. Here, then, that love has led to share our human condition that often causes us much suffering. In the Old Testament, God kept saying he loved his people. It took, however, the effective action, discourses of the prophets who could not even rave. Then came down from heaven and how God created the world
pronouncing the words, so he sent his Son Having given word, through the angel to Mary, the little woman of Nazareth
. It is hard to believe that that baby was the Son of God
Imagine people. Christians often comment that the apostles and those who lived at the time of Jesus, and so they could see, were
advantage over us that we have not seen anything about his life and read the Gospels, sometimes with skepticism and disbelief. Yet, reflecting on this, I understand that the apostles and even to Mary, His Mother, was not to
assolutamente essere facile. Maria ha dovuto accudire il Figlio dell'Altissimo che aveva le medesime esigenze di qualsiasi bambino sulla terra e gli apostoli vedevano un uomo
normalissimo che poteva essere considerato come un qualsiasi profeta. Gesù si dichiarava Figlio di Dio... E chissà
cos 'avranno pensato quando lo videro appeso ad una croce, ormai agonizzante.... Noi sappiamo in fondo che è risorto, lo hanno
testimoniato gli Evangelisti! Ma loro vivevano il dramma di una qualsiasi vita spenta in modo violento... Noi ci dibattiamo spesso nel
dubbio di un Dio giusto.... e loro che avevano toccato con mano la cattiveria dell'uomo che aveva ucciso una persona che aveva speso tutta la life to do good, to care ...
? Imagine their doubts. Perhaps they had believed the illusion: a man had followed
fascinating, a man who had conquered them with its beauty, inner and outer ... for what? Risk even for them to be lynched by the crowd, deemed insane and heretics! The tragedy was that of our apostles. Their concerns are our ....
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